A new wind is blowing through ORYS advocaten!
ORYS advocaten would like to update you on the latest developments at the firm.
New partner: Sofie ALBERT
We would like to introduce to you our newest partner. After completing her traineeship and then working for years as an associate within our firm, we are very pleased to announce that Sofie ALBERT has recently been promoted to partner of ORYS advocaten. We are counting on her strengths and capabilities in view of serving our clients even better.
Sofie will, as an example of growth and promotion from within our own ranks, continue to assist you and provide expertise regarding all your questions and disputes with respect to urbanism, spatial planning, expropriation and environmental law, both for the Flemish and the Brussels regulations, as well as in view of government liability.
New employment law practice: Stefanie TACK
Furthermore, ORYS advocaten is starting a new and highly demanded employment law practice. Stefanie TACK, who has built up years of experience in employment law within various large Brussels law firms, is joining the ORYS team of lawyers with the challenge to develop our employment law practice.
Stefanie has specific expertise in all aspects of individual and collective employment law and she can assist you with your general employment policy, the hiring and termination of personnel, reorganisations, negotiation and drafting of employment contracts and other employment-related documents, compensation, collective matters (such as social elections and employees’ representation), social inspections and internal HR audits, health and safety at work, litigating before the labour courts, etc.
She also has lots of experience in various sectors and industries, such as retail, automotive, chemical, construction, hospitality and food industry.
As from now on, ORYS advocaten will be able to provide you with a top-notch service and will be a one-stop-shop for all your legal questions and disputes: civil cases, contract law, corporate law, environmental law, public procurement, expropriations and general administrative law, as well as employment law.
We hope you will continue to find your way to our firm and that we will be your point of contact for even more of your legal questions!